Do You need to have an admin panel so that users can do some crud over there? Or you may wish to have a beautiful dashboard with various widgets such as statistics and charts? Do you need a user-friendly and flexible form builder? Filament is there for you.
Note: This article is what I’ve experienced as a Laravel developer who used Filament for several small project, This article may not works for you if:
# You do not work with Laravel
# You are looking for benchmarks, statistics and deep technical reviews
# You are not willing to start a fresh application
What is Filament?
Filament is an open-source admin panel written in PHP on top of the popular Laravel framework, focusing on bringing ease of use to developers. Filament uses Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind to do the front-end part. At the end filament will take care of building responsible admin panel, CRUD operations, Tables, Forms and etc. That means, Using filament will give you the time to focus on your business logic.

In which cases does Filament meet your requirements?
1. When fast developing matters, Like the times you need an MVP as soon as possible or when there might be tons of features you need to deliver in a short time
Filament provides a very easy of use developing experience Since it will take care of the front-end part and has a good code generate tools, So you can make sure every time you need something, a significant part of the code already have written by Filament.
In the perspective of Filament, everything is a resource so if you need to have a customer section in your sidebar menu, if you need to create/edit your customers(create, edit) or maybe your users need to see all the customers in a table(index), you may create a resource
php artisan make:filament-resource Customer
This commands almost do every thing you want.
This will generate your index, edit, create and even your delete confirmation modal, After you’ve settled your columns configuration down, it will show your table and once you designed your customer form, Your resource is ready to accept any create or edit requests.